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Hi everyone,

In my DocGen word based template, I use some conditionnal display for some appendices of my document.

I recently add some sections into my document to have few pages in landscape display. But now when the match is true, everything is display correctly and when the match is false, instead of my content remaining hidden, a blank page takes its place.

To be more precise, between my matching condition and my endcondtionnal, I used “Next page” elements to separate my landscape page from my portrait pages. I tried with the “continuous” element but it didn’t work well after generation. Because it’s the only real difference with my previous version without “blank pages”, it seems that it came from the “next pages” elements, as if the next page element was out of my condtionnal display, but I don’t find any other solution for the landscaped pages.


Do you have any idea how to fix this ? 

thanks in advance




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