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In DocuSign CLM, we have Tasks Groups set up so everyone in the Task Group can see all of the tasks and receive all of the notifications. Now this is no longer working and everyone in the Task Group can only see their own tasks. Has anyone had an issue similar to this? Do you have any suggestions on how I can resolve this issue?

Hello @Trina W 

Welcome to the DocuSign Community! I understand the issue and can you share the screenshot of the task group setting. 
And that might be a case that someone change the settings? any thoughts on that?


Thank you! I am not sure if someone changed the settings or not. Also, the only settings that I found for the Task Group is the Configure Task Group shown in the screen shot. Please let me know if there is another setting that I should look for.



Hello @Trina W 

As I am seeing the screenshot, the setting looks perfect according to the requirement. 

Now it might be a case that “Task” tab has set to show the “My Tasks” only, if you go ahead an try to change it to the “Assigned to Task groups”. then it might solve the issue. you can refer the screenshot that i have attached.

Thanks! LMK if you need any assistance.

Thank you! The Assigned to Task Group is not an option. See the screenshot below:



Actually, I am not in a Task Group. The team members who are in the Task Group have the “Assigned to Task Group” as an option under Select Task View. However, one person is unable to see the other person’s tasks no matter which option is selected, and the other person is only able to see the other person’s task only when the “All Tasks” option is selected.

Actually, I am not in a Task Group. The team members who are in the Task Group have the “Assigned to Task Group” as an option under Select Task View. However, one person is unable to see the other person’s tasks no matter which option is selected, and the other person is only able to see the other person’s task only when the “All Tasks” option is selected.

That’s totally correct, if you are not in the task group then you will not be able to see the task at all. and that might be a reason.

and if the “”All Tasks” option selected then all the task will be visible to, whom ever it assigned but you can not perfume it. 

and if user is an CLM viewer then the task will not be visible to them,
