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Dear All,

I hope somebody can help, I am trying to setup a table in CLM where the user will have certain options to choose from depending of the csv file that we have created. 

When testing it I notice when just one selection has been made in the table it is all working



when adding a second row I get the following error:


I am not sure on how to solve this the merge tags that I have are 

<# <TableRow Select="//Aanvulling_tot" /> #>

<# <Content Select="//Group_of_Products_Aanvulling" Optional="true"/> #>

<# <Content Select="//Product" Optional="true"/> #>

<# <Content Select="//Addition" Optional="true"/> #>

<# <Content Select="./Aanvulling_tot_percentage" Optional="true"/> #>


I have added the csv and the word table for document creation.

thanks in advance,

best regards,





I configure csvs in forms in document generation

Hi Casper! Welcome to the Docusign Community! 

This may be an issue of using the incorrect xpath in your merge tags. The above tags contain absolute // whereas for table and repeating data, you should be using relative ./ 

You can read more about absolute versus relative xpath here:



<# <TableRow Select="//Aanvulling_tot" /> #> - This is correct. The TableRow tag uses absolute //. 


For the other Content tags, try changing to: 

<# <Content Select="./Group_of_Products_Aanvulling" Optional="true"/> #>

<# <Content Select="./Product" Optional="true"/> #>

<# <Content Select="./Addition" Optional="true"/> #>


The only difference is that these updated tags contain relative xpath ./ versus absolute //. 

Hope this helps!

Thanks Kelly, I have created the table again and now get the dots in my merge tags. 

Not sure why the where not generated like that in previous table.

best regards

