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Hey all,

How do I add an additional value to a repeatable attribute?


We have the case that a one contract can belong to multiple cost centers. I can catch them via the expression function and store them in a variable. However, I have no idea how I should communicate with the attribute field. Currently, the workflow overwrites always the first position.

Simplified example

  • Picture 1 (original value): The contract has 4 cost centers (31000; 221000; 52000; 12000) and needs a 5th valueOriginal values
  • Picture 2 (Workflow with value): A workflow updates the attribute field (Cost Center) with the valiue "99999 - This needs to be added". In the example it is hard coded. For me the problem remains still even if I use a variable with the name "CostCenter"Workflow with value
  • Picture 3 (updated value): 99999 shows up on the first place and replaced the value 31000Updated Value

Thank you for your help in advance and best regards,


for the attribute update step, rather than selecting Attribute Cost Center from the # sign, type in

Cost Center[-1]

Hey @Rose Ella Winterbauer​,

sorry for the late reply. After a little bit tweaking here and there, I was able to make it work.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


@Marco Wickert​ how did you end up implementing this? I'm trying to update a repeatable attributes as well via wf but with text data types

What is the name of the attribute group and attribute field you need to update?

@Cristina Ferrara​ and @Rose Ella Winterbauer​ happy new year.

imageI was able to add attribute information for a document the following way:

  • go to the documents attribute on the right side
  • click on "Attributes" but do not click on "#"
    • instead write down the needed attribute group
    • sperate the attribute group from the attribute field by a dot
    • add a "&-1] as explained by Rose in order to add a new information to the attribute field


  • attribute group: "Essential Contract Information
  • attribute field: Cost Center
  • Result: "Essential Contract Information.Cost CenterC-1]"


Do not click on "#" and type the entire path incl. the name of the attribute group.

In my screenshot above I catch the cost center from another area and store it in the variable "Single Cost Center".

