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We have a PowerForm in the eSignature Templates which would be submitted by users outside of our organization. When the PowerForm is submitted it CCs an email address of which is also set as the Inbound email address of a folder in CLM. On the eSignature side of DocuSign we have a rule that triggers the start of a CLM workflow.

Here's the trouble we are having. When a PowerForm is submitted it CC emails the form as PowerForm.pdf into the folder in CLM. In our CLM workflow we Find Document in that folder based on the document name PowerForm.pdf. The problem here is if the PowerForm has back to back submissions relatively close together and the document for the first submission is still in the folder when the second submission is sent the second document is then named PowerForm(1).pdf. This will cause the second instance of the workflow to fail since it wouldn't be able to find it's document assuming the two workflows started in chronological order. If not in chronological order and the second workflow instance actually started first, it would then be finding the wrong document since PowerForm.pdf would be for the other workflow that had a stalled start.

I did create a Smart Rule to create a folder and move the document to that folder. Needing make the folder unique I used the Message ID from the attributes of that document. However, this Message ID is not part of the Params that are passed to the workflow thus I am no longer able to find the document using the Find Document since I would not know the name of the folder to look into for that document. I tried using the Receipt Date but it came out as 20230130000000 which wouldn't be unique for each submission.

Any one have any ideas how I can use a Smart Rule to create folder and move a document and the find that specific document from a CLM workflow?

Thank you,



I have approached powerforms to CLM workflow in a different architectural sense. I have used the Agreement Actions functionality that allows for automation of post-signature (i.e. after powerform is completed) actions. For more information about that, here is a good starting point in the CLM Administration Guide.

A high level architecture/process:

  1. Agreement Actions Rule (e.g. condition based on template) triggers "Archive to DocuSign CLM" and "Kick off CLM Workflow"
  2. Completed documents archive into CLM, in folder based on envelope ID
  3. CLM Workflow kicks off to apply attributes as appropriate to the document(s) based on the document custom fields.
  4. Further downstream actions as appropriate (rename document, perhaps trigger other CLM workflow activities).

I personally architect the "Agreement Actions" CLM workflow (apply attributes) to be separate from other CLM activities, however that is really getting into your approach to architecting CLM. I personally try to take a service-based approach to architectural design, as outlined in this document in CLM Central Knowledge Market.

Thank you, this is exactly what we needed to accomplish what we were trying to do.

The new IAM tool and maestro might have even more ways to kick off workflows.
