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We have had a few occurrences while we wait for signature, it seems to timeout in 10 days. We have a 'Wait For' action in which errors out with "Timeout occurred waiting for document signature'" I could not find any settings on the action or in the Workflow settings that would suggest timing out in 10 days. Also did some googling and could not find anything...


you are correct, the human interaction steps, a.k.a steps that require user input, contain a due date setting that allows you to set an expiration date on their actions.

This is also valid for the WaitFor steps.

On top of these settings, when it comes to eSignature, the system set the expiration date based on the template value (standard 120 days); however, when you don't set any value, CLM set the default expiration date to 10 days.

Three possible resolutions:

  1. Set the Due Date on the step
  2. Use a eSign template
  3. Open a ticket to Support and ask to increase the 10 days limit to 120



Thank you! I opened a ticket with support and increased the timeout.

Is the max 120?
