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How to change an automatic rule for a data appearing in the "Agreement Details" but not being an Attribute ?

  • 10 September 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi All,

I am trying to figure how is the Effective Date of a contract calculated by CLM.

This data is not an attribute (it does not appear in the Attribute Mapping csv file) but appears in the “Agreement Details” you see on the top left of your screen when you click on the Atrributes button.

I looked at the workflows and did not see any information on how this date is calculated.

The issue we have is that this date is systematically put as the signature date, while we have contracts applying retroactively. So I want to be able to change this rule and have the effective date being the real effective date and not the signature date when need be, but I can’t find where to change it!

Thanks for your help!



It is an attribute and it can be updates via the “Update Metadata” step in the workflow or may be updated by a sub workflow in CLM. It may be that it is set to the signature date in your CLM workflow.

Thanks. I looked into the “hub and spoke” workflow and indeed the effective date is updated after contract signing with Effective Date = SystemDate. This is what we need to change.

Any idea how best to do it??  


Typically, I would include a date field into the document generation form for the user to provide a value at the beginning of the workflow and update the variable to write the value to use the provided value instead of signature date. You may want to implement it for the user to be able to choose if the signature date should be used or if they want to “overwrite” the setting by providing a different value that is used for the attribute.

Or you could add a data review step later in the workflow for the effective date, so the user could change the value at this point in time if needed. There are always different options on how to implement something in CLM.

Thanks Michael. I will take more time to think about it but the first option you mention seems to me to be the best suited to our case, and it can be done quite easily. Let’s see ! Thanks again
