I have several conditions on the Forms in General Forms Library that use contains and then some text. Every time I have an update to the Form, the system wipes out the text in the rule. Does anyone else have this issue?
Is there a way to make it stop wiping out the information?
Best answer by Kelly.Gatling
Hi newtoclm!
Great news! I was able to reproduce this issue. You are not doing anything wrong on your end. It seems to be a glitch with the ‘Contains’ field so the best thing to do, if you have not done so already, is open up an internal support ticket with Docusign and make them aware. Here is additional information on how to open a support ticket: https://support.docusign.com/s/contactSupport?language=en_US.
Great news! I was able to reproduce this issue. You are not doing anything wrong on your end. It seems to be a glitch with the ‘Contains’ field so the best thing to do, if you have not done so already, is open up an internal support ticket with Docusign and make them aware. Here is additional information on how to open a support ticket: https://support.docusign.com/s/contactSupport?language=en_US.
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