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I use docusign to signe by several parties excel files documents containing dates in several cells.

inside this excel file documents, we have date in EU standard format (example 22nd of february is 22/02/2024). In the final pdf file with all the signature this date is automatically converted to US standard format (example 22nd of february is 02/22/2024).

How may i keep the EU date format in the PDF generated by docusign with all the signature ?




Hello, I have the same problem.

Did you find a solution?


Thank you.

Hi no solution find.

All the dates are converted by docusign for EU format to US format inside the PDF generated with the signature.




yes, i believe they are corrected to US format

Is there no work around for this? I am having the same problem. I need the dates in the generated PDF to stay in European format 


I hope you are doing well. You can probably create a text field, where the EU date field is hardcoded in.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Very Respectfully,
Justin Jiang
