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Does anyone know how to add a wildcard at the end of the folder path so that it also looks for subfolders? I am using "Find Documents by Metadata" but the include subfolders option is not available and I want the system to review all folders within.

Hello, One Idea is to use good folder naming conventions, so the things can be found easier for the folder path. DocuSign CLM is like a contract library, everything is tagged using metadata. Also, if you want to look at subfolders that option is available. 

If you choose a folder location, you can check the subfolders that you want the search to also be performed at. 

Hi @Ellie.Stroup! Welcome to the Docusign Community! 

When using the ‘Find Documents by Metadata’ step, if you use the ‘Folder’ property, then the workflow will only search that specific folder. However, this is not a required property. If you leave the ‘folder’ property blank, the workflow will search all folders within CLM and find you all documents with the matching attribute value. Would this be a possible option for your use case?

Otherwise, your best bet would be to use the ‘Find Document by Folder’ step which will allow you search all subfolders. This will compile a list of all documents within that folder structure. From there, you have to loop through the documents in workflow to find the ones with the specific attribute value you are wanting to filter on. Unfortunately, it’s a bit more complex.

Hope you find this information helpful! 

Thank you @Kelly.Gatling! This was definitely what I was looking for, I’m going to just the second one because I need to narrow it down to a specific folder family within the repository, thanks!
