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Where can I find documentation for CLM Workflow Steps?

I am trying to set a reminder on an Wait for Signature step and I am confused on the settings.


Does this mean that the wait for user to sign will terminate in 3 days, but a reminder will go out every 1 day?




Yes—if you configure the “Wait for Signature” step to expire in 3 days and set a 1-day reminder frequency, the workflow will automatically terminate if the signature isn’t received within 3 days, and the system will send a reminder notification each day until either the document is signed or the 3-day window expires.

Docusign CLM Administration Overview

So, after testing with the above settings [Reminder Action will time out in 3 days] & daily reminder every one day], , it seems the wait for signature step waits 3 days, then sends out a reminder every day.  but so far the step/workflow is not timing out.   This is a bit misleading. There is a connection named Time Out to add an email or more steps after the timeout, but I cannot find the ‘terminate after x days’ setting in the Wait for Signature step.
