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CLM Update - Search

  • 12 March 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi All,

Newish to DocuSign and new to the Community! Glad I found it and hope this can be a great resource for our team. The most recent updates to the system include updates to Search and seem to have reduced functionality. Previously, search results included relevant folders, aiding in narrowing down results. Now, folders aren't included. Has anyone else experienced this? Any solutions to access party folders directly via Search?


Hello, @LglOps 


Right, you’re using the new Search experience in CLM. It’s more intuitive.

Take a look on this article (and click in the Next to see all topics)

Also, I did a test on my account using the Filter Location, see the figure below:


I hope that helps!



Hello Alexandre,

Thanks for the reply and the Support article reference.

We can see the Parties folder that you’ve highlighted, which is a filter. Our expectation is that the system searches folders.

What we are referring to is the actual folder containing the search term is not populated as a result in the new search experience.


The new search has been turned off for our environment. For those of you who also don’t care for the new search, tell DocuSign to turn it off in your environment. I’m willing to have it turned back on if the experience of showing the folder to click into comes back as a search result in the new search experience.


Can you try filtering to see only folders.

Hello there, 

We also turned off the “Modernized Search”. It was very overwhelming for our users & we too could not figure out a way to show the folder structure in a meaningful manner for the users to grasp. They just really struggled with it, so we have it off for now till Admins can get an opportunity to disect/digest/build some help document articles & then roll it out. 
