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My company is under the original SpringCM platform and it sounds as though we would need to migrate over to the CLM.DS platform in order to utilize some of the new add-ons/tools. I tried finding information how what the migration would entail but haven’t found anything. Has anyone gone through this migration yet? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

We are also trying to get information on what will be required for the migration from CLM.CM to CLM.DS, and how big a lift it will be. We were directed to connect with our account reps, but still awaiting guidance.

Thank you for your interest in updating your CLM account!

DocuSign is developing a path to update SpringCM accounts to DocuSign CLM - this program is currently not yet open to all customers. Our goal is to unlock access to future Docusign CLM product innovation to all customers as soon as possible.When you update, rest assured you will keep your CLM account ID and preserve all your existing data, workflow, and users - everything you have built in CLM will be preserved. You will not need to rebuild anything in a new account. During your update, your existing SpringCM user accounts will be converted to DocuSign user accounts and post-update you will login to DocuSign CLM rather than SpringCM.

As we progress through our current phase, we'll have more information to share. In the meantime, SpringCM is fully supported today. Please stay tuned for more updates.

is obligations in CLM from SpringCM

is obligations in CLM from SpringCM

Obligations are available with both CLM.CM and CLM.DS currently
