For your first question, assuming you are using Document Generation as the intake form, you would change the text of a question by going to CLM Admin < Document Generation < Forms (or Libraries if you are using a Library) < Select your Form/Library < Select the Field to edit the name.
To your second question, it depends but changing the name of field *will very likely* affect routing through the workflow. Field names are automatically tied to merge tag names which are the backend names of fields. This backend field name is used in workflows to reference the field's value. Whether or not changing the question affects the workflow routing is if the merge tag name has been edited. You can learn more about merge tags and editing them here (but means the backend field name will not longer be tied directly to the name of the field): https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?language=en_US&bundleId=uqj1643324072491&topicId=ron1576610119849.html&_LANG=enus
You might be running into the 200 character limit text fields have in Document Generation. Offhand, I'm unsure why updating the field name does not affect the question when you update and test the form. Make sure you are updating the correct form, and saving after making a change. Ensure you aren't getting any errors as you try to save. Feel free to post screenshots as a follow-up to provide more details.
As part of Docusign University, there is an Advanced Document Generation course which walks through similar use cases which you may find helpful: https://dsucustomers.docusign.com/docusign-clm-advanced-document-generation
Hope this helps!