I have successfully setup our app integration in the demo environment using my developer account.
I am using JWT Grant authentication with the app using my developer account for impersonation.
After testing the app using my account (created envelops, got emails for sigs, etc.), I then created another developer account for our Compliance Manager as ultimately the app and all the created envelopes should be under her account.
I successfully revoked my authorization grant of the app and use her account to re-grant authentication to it and also switched the impersonation user ID in the App from my ID to hers. It is her User ID that is now used to obtain the access token in the App. The app does show up under her developer account now.
The app is successfully creating envelops and the emails correctly show her name as the sender.
However, all the envelops that are been created by the App using her account for impersonation still show up under my account (under the Manage tab). I can share access to the envelopes to her account but what we need is to have the envelops be created under her account directly.
So in summary I have done this:
- Revoked Authentication to the App from my account
- Granted Authentication to the App from her account
- Changed the impersonation UserId passed to the API from my User ID to her User ID
What do I need to do so that the envelops created by the app show up directly in her Manage tab under her account instead of mine.