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Can I have multiple production application keys from multiple companies?


I represent an ERP from which my customers (Business) will emit signable documents.

Currently, if my customer requires a Docusign integration, we ask them to create an appdemo account so that we (, logging in with their credentials, ) can create and configure the App & Key credentials, security settings, etc. Then, when the tests are finished, they have to provide another (this time, paid) account so we can link it with their previous development account.

My intention is to create the App & Keys from my Docusign enterprise account for each of these customers whenever they require a Docusign integration. Then, when I finish the mandated 20 integrated tests, I would send them the OAuth link so they can login and authorize using their subscribed account.

By doing that, I intend to keep all integration keys my ERP uses in a single, managed, account.

Is there an issue here? Should I not be doing that? Is this behavior expected? And if not, what are the alternatives?


4 replies

Docusign Employee

Hello, Eric

From DocuSign FAQ there is this statement about the scenario you described:

Who should administer the integration key?

Integration keys should be managed by the organization that owns the application or integration. Most commonly, DocuSign customers integrate DocuSign features into their existing internal or customer-facing applications. As the owner of their existing applications, they would be the owner and administrator of their integration keys.

In other cases, an implementation partner or third-party consultant may create an application or integration on behalf of a DocuSign customer. In these scenarios, the customer is the owner of the application or integration and would be responsible for management of related integration keys.

In cases where a ISV (Independent Software Vendor) partner builds something for resale, the ISV partner owns the application and would be responsible for administration of the key. ISVs should avoid requiring customers to create or manage integration keys to be used with their software.

Based on that, it seems a common scenario.

The link for the FAQ is this


All the best, if this answer solved your question I’d appreciate you flag this as “Best Answer”.

Thank you,



Hi, Alexandre.

Thanks for the answer. It pointed me to the right direction.

In my scenario, if we consider ourselves to be an ISV, we would only need our customers credentials when we reach the Go-Live. From this, two questions arise:

First, who will the “Sender” (as in, the name that appears on the email sent to the recipients) be? Will it be the account used at the Go-live process?

Secondly, how do we know if we qualify as a ISV? Are there guidelines we can follow? 



Docusign Employee

Hello, @ericwu-bluefleet 


  1. First, who will the “Sender” (as in, the name that appears on the email sent to the recipients) be? Will it be the account used at the Go-live process?
    You can create a Brand (company name, Logo, colors) for each customer, when sending an envelope via API (I understood you’re using Integrations Keys because you’re using API) in your code it’s possible to select a specific logo when sending an envelope. Or, if you’re using a template to send envelopes then you can create a template for each customer and set the Brand for each templates. Sending envelopes through such templates, the Brand will be automatically applied. Just check if you current plan permits more than one Brand, if don’t you will need acquire that from our Sales team. If you don’t know who is your Account Executive, open a ticket with our Support and they will help you.
  2. Secondly, how do we know if we qualify as a ISV? Are there guidelines we can follow? 
    Here all you need

I hope that helps, if so, I’d appreciate your Like and mark this as the “Best Answer”.


Thank you,




Thanks again for the clarifications.

I studied the ISV enrollment process and it’s in our backlogs - meaning it will probably take a long time to be implemented :)

In the meantime, regarding the plans subscriptions: Am I supposed to subscribe to a Developer Plan? Or should my customer? Or both?

When you say 
>You can create a Brand (company name, Logo, colors) for each customer, when sending an envelope via API (I understood you’re using Integrations Keys because you’re using API) in your code it’s possible to select a specific logo when sending an envelope. 

Do you mean to say that it _should_ happen at API request level or at the customer account?

