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not able to sign " we can't find your certificates"

  • April 25, 2024
  • 9 replies


when I have signed and click on “continue” I have this message appearing: “

We can't find your certificates We are unable ta find any certificates connected ta your device. Check that your certificates are available, and then Try Again”


can you please help?

9 replies

Docusign Employee

Hi @solene !


This message means that the sender of this envelope is requiring you to sign with a digital certificate (Qualified Signature) and you need to plug a token/smartcard to complete this action.

If you do not have a digital certificate, I recommend that you contact the sender of the envelope and let them know about it, so that they can check the possibility of changing the type of signature.


Just for your information, Docusign offers three types of signatures, SES, AES and QES, which has different purposes and legal values.
See this article for more information on the subject:


Let me know if I could help you with it!

  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • May 10, 2024

Hello @solene ,

If you found the provided response to be a useful solution to your question, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

  • Newcomer
  • 2 replies
  • July 8, 2024



I am writing on behalf of my supervisor who has the same message with some documents.

It would seem that the reason may be the different level of his electronic signature. However, it has the highest QES grade.

Could there be other reasons?

Best Regards,

Docusign Employee
Paul.S wrote:



I am writing on behalf of my supervisor who has the same message with some documents.

It would seem that the reason may be the different level of his electronic signature. However, it has the highest QES grade.

Could there be other reasons?

Best Regards,

Hi @Paul.S !

Apparently it's the same reason. The sender of the envelope is requiring a specific QES signature, and during the signing process Docusign was unable to locate any certificates that meet the required signature standards.

In this case, the solution is the same: "If your supervisor does not have a digital certificate, I recommend that he/she contact the sender of the envelope and let them know about it, so that they can check the possibility of changing the type of signature." However, if your supervisor has a QES certificate with the same standards required by the sender, something is probably blocking Docusign from using it (such as firewall, antivirus).

Docusign Customer Support can help you to troubleshooting.

  • Newcomer
  • 2 replies
  • July 9, 2024

Hi @Vinicius.Rodrigues 

and if the document was sent with a request for a lower level signature (SES or AES), can the document be signed with a QES signature without any problems?

Docusign Employee
Paul.S wrote:

Hi @Vinicius.Rodrigues 

and if the document was sent with a request for a lower level signature (SES or AES), can the document be signed with a QES signature without any problems?

Hi @Paul.S !

Unfortunately not. The sender of the envelope defines the security/signature level. If the sender has determined that you sign with SES (for example), you cannot change your signature type to a higher level.

In this situation, we always advise contacting the sender first.



If there are two people in our organization that have the same level of signature - QES, one is using Windows and other is using macOS, and both recive a document to sign form the same company for example a client. The person who uses Windows has no problems with signing the document for that particular client or any other, but the onthe that uses macOS has a problem that Paul has sent with all document sent from that client but if he recives a document from any other client there is no problem with the signatur not being found. So to resume the person who uses macOS has a problem with signing all document form particular client but all other documents are fine to sign, but the person who uses Windows has no problem with sining the document from the same client while having the same type of signature as the other person.

Docusign Employee
Aleksandra L wrote:


If there are two people in our organization that have the same level of signature - QES, one is using Windows and other is using macOS, and both recive a document to sign form the same company for example a client. The person who uses Windows has no problems with signing the document for that particular client or any other, but the onthe that uses macOS has a problem that Paul has sent with all document sent from that client but if he recives a document from any other client there is no problem with the signatur not being found. So to resume the person who uses macOS has a problem with signing all document form particular client but all other documents are fine to sign, but the person who uses Windows has no problem with sining the document from the same client while having the same type of signature as the other person.


Hi @Aleksandra L ! Thank you for your message!


Basing only in your description I can't tell exactly what's going on. Generally when a QES signature fails, especially on Macs, we recommend checking a few points such as: user permission, browser (reccomended FF or Chrome), antivirus & firewall and mainly type of certificate vs type of requested QES signature.

Additionally, I’d like to reinforce that our Customer Support Team is available 24x7 in English (or during business hours in other countries/languages) to assist with signature issues. You can ask your user to contact us, so the team can help you.

How do I contact Docusign Customer Support?

  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • November 14, 2024

Hello, @Aleksandra L, I wanted to ask if your issue has been remedied, as I am facing the exact same problem. I also got in touch with Docusign support, but there has been no resolution so far. Thank you for any input!