Consider a use case where a bank/finance company is automatically generating a lease agreement for a car dealership to be signed by the purchaser of the car. We (bank) want to autofill the “car price” which could editable by the dealership, but we want to autofill the “term” at 36 months but that’s locked down and uneditable. We can make this work on a basic word document but in our current docgen platform, the protected word doc basically blows up the doc gen template because it can’t read the template. Does DOcusign Gen support this use case? If so how? Can it inherit the protection attributes of the word doc, or would we set up the protection attributes in the DS Gen platform itself and they live on the template?
Can Docusign Gen template allow for protected and unprotected form fields in the SAME document?

Best answer by JohnSantos
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