Hi, I am trying to design a template to use for electronic voting for a non-profit organization.. I am trying to design a form where the motion is presented. The e signer then clicks on check mark “ I am in favor of the motion, I am against the motion, or I abstain from voting. The date and director esigning. I can get the enveople out there but the signer is only asked to sign and date. The check mark questions are there but not asking the person to check their option on the motion. Should I be using radio boxes instead? Is there a certain order for Docusign. Should I make them choose first and then date and sign? Not much in the Course section on how to do this. Nothing in the template library on a simple balllot.
Ballots for esignature

Best answer by David.Schmitz
Checkboxes can be tricky as they can be set to Optional if a validation is not set or if you use three separate checkboxes instead of a checkbox group. IF the choice being made is a set of items but only “1” item should be selected then I would suggest using the Radio Buttons as they are “OR” type fields (make sure to use a Radio Button group). If you need to use Checkboxes, first make sure you are using a Checkbox Group, add one checkbox from the left side of the fields then add checkboxes with the “+” sign that appears on that checkbox that you just added. Once you have all the checkboxes in the checkbox group, add them where they are needed then go to the right panel and set the validation of that checkbox group to “Exactly” and “1” or whatever variation is needed. If set to “Exactly” and “1” then that Checkbox Group is a required field and not optional for the Recipient.
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