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When re-sending email reminders for the recipient to sign the document, is it possible to re-send this email to two people at the same time? How can I set that up?


I send loan agreements to clients, and some clients it takes two or three reminders to get them to sign. We ask our client managers to help reminder the client too.

In the manage section of the website, there is a resend button. Right now our template is set up to only resend the document to the client.

Is it possible to tie the client manager email to the client reminder so the client manager gets the reminder email too? Without requiring the client manager to have to sign too?

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

Unfortunately, no. The client manager would need to be in the signing order with actions required (meaning they need to sign) to be able to receive the reminders, they would also need to be in the same signing order as the client and not take any action until the client signs if they do take action then they will be marked as completed, to which completed signers do not get a reminder notification.

For more information on Resends:

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

Unfortunately, no. The client manager would need to be in the signing order with actions required (meaning they need to sign) to be able to receive the reminders, they would also need to be in the same signing order as the client and not take any action until the client signs if they do take action then they will be marked as completed, to which completed signers do not get a reminder notification.

For more information on Resends:

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Appreciate the quick response. Thank you for the information.
