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If I delete an envelope before someone sign the document, that envelop don´t count for billing purposes?

  • April 21, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hi support team,

I deleted few envelopes before was signed because we need to make few changes to the documents. I want to know if those evelopes count for billing purposes as a "used envelopes" or the plataform only charges for the envelopes used and signed.

Thanks for your help.

Best answer by Community Expert


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community. 

Our accounts envelope allowance is based on sends, taking this into consideration once you have successfully sent the document out for signature it will count against your quota regardless of whether or not the document is completed.

For more details on our billing system, you can refer to the guide provided below:

Please don't hesitate in letting me know if you have any follow-up questions and I will address them as soon as possible.

Best regards, 

Alejandro R. 

Community Moderator. 

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community. 

Our accounts envelope allowance is based on sends, taking this into consideration once you have successfully sent the document out for signature it will count against your quota regardless of whether or not the document is completed.

For more details on our billing system, you can refer to the guide provided below:

Please don't hesitate in letting me know if you have any follow-up questions and I will address them as soon as possible.

Best regards, 

Alejandro R. 

Community Moderator.