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Finishing reminders for recalled envelope


Hi Dear Colleagues,

I recalled an envelope; however, reminders are sent regularly to the signers by the systems. How can I prevent reminders for signers? I don’t need this document anymore but the signers receive the reminder. (Or I could not achieve recall properly :( ) Thanks.

4 replies

Docusign Employee

Hi @DeryaDalkilicBulut !

The simplest way to solve this situation is to void the envelope, so all pending recipients will no longer receive notifications.
Voiding an envelope cancels all outstanding signing activities. You can void any of your sent envelopes that have not yet completed. You can only void envelopes that you sent or manage, or are shared with you, and that are still in process. Envelopes with a status of either Waiting For Others, Needs to Sign, or Needs to View are in process.
If you’d like to know how to do it, please access this article: Void an Envelope

I just reinforce that Docusign counts the envelope when it’s sent, and not when it’s completed. In other words, if you void this envelope, it will be counted as used.


Please, let me know if I provided you a good solution!


Sİnce I recalled it, I could not see it in my folder. How can I re-see it to void? I really do not know how to fix it and users keep receiving the reminder :(

Docusign Employee
DeryaDalkilicBulut wrote:

Sİnce I recalled it, I could not see it in my folder. How can I re-see it to void? I really do not know how to fix it and users keep receiving the reminder :(

Hi @DeryaDalkilicBulut !

Do you have the envelopeID? If yes, you can search by this information on Manage page or access this website:[number of envelopeID with dashes]

If you don’t have it, you can access Report > Envelope Report > apply filters and find the envelopeID. After that, you can proceed with the instructions above.

  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • May 17, 2024

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