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How can I see the email address for a Pending Linked Account?

  • November 29, 2022
  • 7 replies


When trying to link accounts in DocuSign Admin console, it does not display the email address for the user that it is sending the invite to, it simply displays their name.

Additionally, when attempting to search in the Users dashboard, it only allows for an email address. But since the console does not display the email address, I'm unable to search for the user that I'm trying to link.

Best answer by Community Expert

We are not creating brand new accounts; we're trying to link existing individual DocuSign accounts that DocuSign identified as using our domain email address, but we do not currently control.

If we can't see who the invite is going to, then we need the ability to gain control of these accounts that are using our Organization's email address.

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

The email does not show due to it being the name of the account and not the actual user (we send the invitations to the 5 most recent active administrators of that account):

Regarding the search, these will only show contacts that are under accounts that are already linked to the organization:

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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How can I see the email address to verify the invite is being sent to the correct person?



Thank you for reaching back.

Unfortunately, it is not possible, you could only verify the account name and ID, as mentioned previously, the invitation will be sent to the five most recent active Admins of that account, if there is only one then only that one person would receive it.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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I'm sorry but I don't understand why sending an invite to an individual user would instead send the invite to the admin.

Additionally, no invites are being sent to admins either.

Example in the Accounts page:

Account Name

Account ID: 


Link Status: Pending

Invitation Details -

But I can't find a Thomas user at all or have any way to correlate this account to the email address. I have re-sent invitations to a dozen accounts now and we have not seen any emails come through on the admin side.



Thank you for reaching back.

If you are trying to link an account from the DocuSign Admin Portal the email will not show, only the account details (if in the account there is only one user and that user is the admin, the invite will go to that admin but to link successfully that one admin would have to be yourself).

Please keep in mind the below requirements for linking an account to your organization:

  • You must be a DocuSign Administrator for your organization
  • You must have full eSignature Administrator permissions on the account to be linked (meaning, if it is a personal account, and you do not have admin permission to that account, you would not be able to link it)
  • The account must not already be linked to an organization

If you are trying to add the user to your account, I would recommend using the add user under the user's tab in DocuSign Admin or by going to eSignature > Settings > Users > Add user.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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  • Docusign Employee
  • 1935 replies
  • Answer
  • November 30, 2022

We are not creating brand new accounts; we're trying to link existing individual DocuSign accounts that DocuSign identified as using our domain email address, but we do not currently control.

If we can't see who the invite is going to, then we need the ability to gain control of these accounts that are using our Organization's email address.



Thank you for reaching back.

I understand, at the moment, the above bullet points are required for a successful account link, if the accounts do not meet them the invites will not be sent and the accounts will remain in pending.

For the ability to view to whom the invites are being sent, any feedback that can improve our users’ experience is always more than welcome. 

We’ll provide it to the Product team that is closely aligned with the area associated with the feedback. They will review it and determine the next steps.

In the near future, we will have a Community section that is dedicated to customer suggestions/feedback. You all will have the ability to upvote on what’s important and needed. 

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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