I’m attempting to make one of two checkboxes required. This is my json:
"checkboxTabs": [
"anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent": "true",
"anchorString": "InsurerRequired_CKYes",
"anchorUnits": "pixels",
"anchorXOffset": "0",
"anchorYOffset": "0",
"tabId": "InsurerRequired_CKYes",
"tabLabel": "Insurer Required",
"tabGroupLabels": [
"anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent": "true",
"anchorString": "InsurerRequired_CKNo",
"anchorUnits": "pixels",
"anchorXOffset": "0",
"anchorYOffset": "0",
"tabId": "InsurerRequired_CKNo",
"tabLabel": "Insurer Not Required",
"tabGroupLabels": [
"tabGroups": [
"groupLabel": "checkboxgroup1",
"minimumRequired": "1",
"maximumAllowed": "1",
"tabType": "tabgroup"
The behavior is not changing with the tabGroups definition. Both checkboxes are still optional, and both checkboxes can be selected. I would appreciate any insight!
I did attempt to create radio buttons, but I got a runtime error.