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How are DocGenFormFields supposed to be set up when creating a template and envelope?


I’m trying to generate a document with parameterized where i’m creating a template when it doesn’t already exist, generate the envelope, and update the fields.
The fields in the document are being set as {{FieldName}} as suggested by documentation, but the GetEnvelopeDocGenFormFields() for the envelope is returning no fields and any attempt to use the update throws an error.

i’ve added a simple version of my code bellow.
How is the sender field parameterization supposed work?

    public async Task TestCode()


        var fileName = "test_document";

        string docBase64;

        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream($"E:\\{fileName}.docx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))


            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())



                var bytes = ms.ToArray();

                docBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);



        // Add Template

        var template = await templatesApi.CreateTemplateAsync(accountId, new EnvelopeTemplate()


            Name = "Test Template",

            Description = "Test Template Description",

            Shared = "false",

            Recipients = new() { Signers = [new() { RoleName = "signer", RecipientId = "1" }] },

            Status = "created",

            Documents = [

                new Document()


                    DocumentBase64 = docBase64,

                    Name = fileName,

                    FileExtension = "docx",

                    DocumentId = $"1",

                    DocGenFormFields = [

                        new() { Name = "FieldOne", Label = "FieldOne", Value = "ABC" },

                        new() { Name = "FieldTwo", Label = "FieldTwo", Value = "123" },

                        new() { Name = "FieldThree", Label = "FieldThree", Value = "Xyz" }]




        // Create Envelople

        var envelope = await envelopesApi.CreateEnvelopeAsync(accountId, new EnvelopeDefinition()


            TemplateId = template.TemplateId,

            Status = "created",

            TemplateRoles = [new() { RoleName = "signer", Name = "Name", Email = "", ClientUserId = "client1" }],

            EmailSubject = "Test Envelope"


        // Get Fields - fieldResponse.DocGenFormFields is NULL

        var fieldResponse = await envelopesApi.GetEnvelopeDocGenFormFieldsAsync(accountId, envelope.EnvelopeId);

        // Set Fields - Throws Exception {"errorCode":"INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER","message":"The request contained at least one invalid parameter. Value for 'documentId' is invalid."}

        var fieldUpdateResponse = await envelopesApi.UpdateEnvelopeDocGenFormFieldsAsync(accountId, envelope.EnvelopeId, new DocGenFormFieldRequest()


            DocGenFormFields = [

                new DocGenFormFields()


                    DocumentId = "1",

                    DocGenFormFieldList = [

                        new() { Name = "FieldOne", Value = "DEF" },

                        new() { Name = "FieldTwo", Value = "456" },

                        new() { Name = "FieldThree", Value = "Xyz" }




        var updateSummary = await envelopesApi.UpdateAsync(accountId, envelope.EnvelopeId, new Envelope() { Status = "sent" });


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