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Envelope fields not showing in recipient view

  • December 26, 2024
  • 1 reply


Hi everyone! I’m running into an issue with DocuSign's envelope API recently and I’d love some more insight as to why.

I start by creating a two-signer envelope. One signer is embedded from my external integration, and the other is added within the sender view in DocuSign. After adding signer fields, I use the "Preview" button to check that the fields show up for both signers. Both signers have clear signing fields. However, when I create a recipient view through my integration, no signer fields appear for the remote signer. 

Here is the envelope prior to pressing “Preview”.
Blue = added externally

Yellow = added during the “Sender view”

Here’s how the fields for the signer I added within DocuSign's “sender” view appeared when I was using the “Preview” button.

But, here’s how it looks when creating a recipient view for that same signer.

Any ideas as to why this is?

Best answer by JohnSantos


There can be a few different (and sometimes subtle) reasons why tabs (signing fields) for a “remote” signer do not appear in the actual signing session—even though they appear correctly in the DocuSign web console’s “Preview.”

Check the following:

If you want your second signer to sign via embedded signing, be sure to set a clientUserId (any unique non-empty string) for them and specify their name, email, and clientUserId in the envelope creation.

If you want them to remain a remote signer, don’t call the “createRecipientView” for them. They will receive an email from DocuSign instead.

In the final Envelope definition (you can retrieve via the Envelopes: get or EnvelopeRecipients: list endpoints), confirm that the second signer is present, has the correct recipientId, and has tabs assigned to them.

Check the order and status.

If signer 2 is dependent on signer 1, the envelope must be in the correct stage before signer 2’s fields and signing session become available.

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  • Answer
  • December 26, 2024


There can be a few different (and sometimes subtle) reasons why tabs (signing fields) for a “remote” signer do not appear in the actual signing session—even though they appear correctly in the DocuSign web console’s “Preview.”

Check the following:

If you want your second signer to sign via embedded signing, be sure to set a clientUserId (any unique non-empty string) for them and specify their name, email, and clientUserId in the envelope creation.

If you want them to remain a remote signer, don’t call the “createRecipientView” for them. They will receive an email from DocuSign instead.

In the final Envelope definition (you can retrieve via the Envelopes: get or EnvelopeRecipients: list endpoints), confirm that the second signer is present, has the correct recipientId, and has tabs assigned to them.

Check the order and status.

If signer 2 is dependent on signer 1, the envelope must be in the correct stage before signer 2’s fields and signing session become available.