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Create envelope with Text Tabs populated via API, in Node.js

  • September 9, 2024
  • 4 replies


Hi everyone,

I’m able to send out envelopes for signature in Node.js via the docusign-esign NPM package, but my text fields are not populating for some reason.  I am referencing the documentation linked here.  I’ve tried both on our developer account as well as our production account.

Here is my code for creating the envelope.  I am getting the label and ID for the text fields through the Docusign API, and I have double-checked the label is correct through the Docusign webapp itself.

function makeEnvelope(args) {
    try {
        let envelope = new docusign.EnvelopeDefinition();
        envelope.templateId = args.templateId;

        let text = docusign.Text.constructFromObject({
            tabLabel: TAB_1_LABEL,
            value: 'test text field!',

        let textExtra = docusign.Text.constructFromObject({
            font: 'helvetica',
            font_size: 'size14',
            tabLabel: TAB_2_LABEL,
            height: '23',
            width: '84',
            required: 'false',
            bold: 'true',
            value: "test value!!!!",
            locked: false,
            tabId: TAB_2_ID

        let tabsFromDocs = docusign.Tabs.constructFromObject({
            textTabs: [text, textExtra]

        let signer1 = docusign.TemplateRole.constructFromObject({
            email: args.signerEmail,
            name: args.signerName,
            roleName: 'signer',
            tabs: tabsFromDocs

        let signer2 = new docusign.TemplateRole(); = args.signer2Email; = args.signer2Name;
        signer2.roleName = 'signer';

        envelope.templateRoles = [signer1, signer2];
        envelope.status = 'sent';

        return envelope;
    } catch (error) {
        console.log({ errorMakeEnvelope: error });

Thank you in advance!

4 replies

Valued Contributor
  • Valued Contributor
  • 971 replies
  • September 9, 2024


Looking at your code, you seem to be on the right track in constructing the envelope and setting up the text fields. However, if the text fields are not populating as expected, here are some potential troubleshooting steps and recommendations to ensure the fields are correctly populated:

let textExtra = docusign.Text.constructFromObject({
    font: 'helvetica',
    fontSize: 'Size14',  // Corrected size format
    tabLabel: TAB_2_LABEL,
    height: 23,          // Ensure this is a number
    width: 84,           // Ensure this is a number
    required: false,     // Boolean rather than string
    bold: true,          // Boolean rather than string
    value: "test value!!!!",
    locked: false,
    tabId: TAB_2_ID


Hi John, thanks for taking the time to look into this!  I made those changes but unfortunately I’m still not seeing either text field get populated.

Docusign Employee

Hey @Olivia_Developer

Based in your examples I’m seeing that both roleName entries are defined with the same value (signer).

This is not a static value provided by Docusign, this value is based on what you defined in your template when creating it at Docusign webpage. 

Please check and make sure that the roles provided in your API call are the same as declared in your template (and keep in mind these are case sensitive, so in case you set in your template the role to be “Signer” and you declare in your API call as “signer” it won’t work). 



Thank you so much!!  It is working now.