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What's the difference between sending an envelope and sending a document?

  • June 18, 2019
  • 1 reply


Apart from the obvious difference in the size of the signature.

I would also like to know what exactly each of these two options is.

Thank you

Best answer by Community Expert

Documents reside inside Envelopes. Basically an envelope consists of 4 parts, the document, the Recipients, the email notification subject/body, and the fields/tags added to the document. Think of this as an electronic envelope just like a paper envelope where you insert a document, address it, perhaps add instructions or a note, and little arrows or sticky notes on where to sign. So when you send an envelope you are always sending a document along with that envelope. Of course you can have multiple documents in the same envelope.

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Documents reside inside Envelopes. Basically an envelope consists of 4 parts, the document, the Recipients, the email notification subject/body, and the fields/tags added to the document. Think of this as an electronic envelope just like a paper envelope where you insert a document, address it, perhaps add instructions or a note, and little arrows or sticky notes on where to sign. So when you send an envelope you are always sending a document along with that envelope. Of course you can have multiple documents in the same envelope.