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One signatory has an incorrect email address - how do I correct

One signatory has an incorrect email address - how do I correct

Best answer by Community Expert

DocuSign has a Correct feature but you would need to be the Sender or a Recipient with Allow to Edit. Also if that Recipient already took action in the envelope it could disallow correction. Here is a DocuSign article on the correct functionality...

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DocuSign has a Correct feature but you would need to be the Sender or a Recipient with Allow to Edit. Also if that Recipient already took action in the envelope it could disallow correction. Here is a DocuSign article on the correct functionality...


​Good afternoon. I attempted to correct a email address, but the dropdown box did not have the "correct" option. Please advise. Thank you.


In order to "Correct" the envelope cannot be in a Completed or Voided status and you would need to be the Sender or a Recipient with Allow to Edit. What is the current status of the envelope? And who is the "Sender"?


I received a email stating the document could not be received and to correct it and resend .I'm the sender of the envelope, it has not been signed, and I don't see the "allowed to Edit" button.


The option you should see if called "Correct". Are you logging into DocuSign, going to Manage, locating the envelope under the Sent folder, then going to the right side where the dropdown menu is located? Use the dropdown and look for "Correct", if you do not see it please tell me what you do see as options? Also what the status of the envelope shows?


I'v​e done what you mentioned and my only options are: Move, Create a Copy, Void, Hiustory, Form Data, Export as CSV, Delete


Sounds like the envelope is in a completed status. On the envelope you are reviewing, please look at the Status column and tell me what that envelope shows as the Status?


Status says Failure.


Perhaps there is more to this status but based on the following DocuSign information, you should be able to correct the envelope. Are there any Details in the History?

"Delivery Failure. The email notification did not reach the recipient. Review the Details to see which recipient status is listed as Auto Responded. For this recipient, check the email address you entered and correct the document to fix any errors. From the Manage page, you can see which recipient delivery failed by hovering over the status warning."

Perhaps at this time if you do not have the option to "Correct" either:

1) Check with a DocuSign Admin (see if they can correct)

2) Open a DocuSign Support case

3) Void the envelope, make a copy and fix the email address and Send again to all Recipients.


Thank you for your help. At this point, I'll just void it and start over.