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Is it possible to Print & Sign a specific document within an envelope?


Hi - wondering if it is possible to have an envelope with multiple documents that need docusinged to have one of the documents to be Print & Signed where the other docs are esigned. For example a form that needs a notary can be printed but all other docs in envelope are esigned.


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Hi, Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!If you're in the US (and depending on which state you're located in), DocuSign can be used with eNotary services.For more information:(  DocuSign eNotary Resources: Supported States and Available Documentation Thank you, Andrew, for the assist!Donna DocuSign Support Community Moderator

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Unfortunately as far as I've been able to determine you can't strictly force a recipient to( print and sign . We have a workaround use case where the recipient is basically initialing directions that they understand the need to print and sign the specific document.

For your use case, there's no difference or limitation for a user to go through electronically signing your documents and then print a final paper to get notarized. However when they do print the document, they'll have to manually choose that specific page to print. 

To make things easier, I'd recommed separating out the signatures to the same recipient at a different Order Level. So that initially they sign everything electronically, then they hit complete, then they get another notification with instructions for Printing and Signing. You might even be able to set up ( Document visibility so that the previous forms are hidden (though I haven't tested that with the same recipient this way) and thus making it easier to Print the form that needs to be signed.

Hope this helps.


Hi, Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!If you're in the US (and depending on which state you're located in), DocuSign can be used with eNotary services.For more information:(  DocuSign eNotary Resources: Supported States and Available Documentation Thank you, Andrew, for the assist!Donna DocuSign Support Community Moderator