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Itsme - eSignature with C# sdk

  • July 23, 2024
  • 1 reply



I’m using the C# SDK from DocuSign.
I’m trying to find an option to enable ITSME using the c# SDK from docusign

I did found some documentation about setting up QES:,held%20or%20cloud%2Dbased%20certificates

            RecipientSignatureProviders = new List<RecipientSignatureProvider>
                new RecipientSignatureProvider {SignatureProviderName = "docusign_eu_qualified_idnow_tsp"}


However, using this won’t allow me to sign using itsme.

How can i integrate ItsMe within the SDK?

Or is this only possible by changing the settings within the portal?

Thank you in advance!

​​​​​​​Kind regards,


1 reply

  • Docusign Employee
  • 38 replies
  • July 26, 2024

 Hello @kurt 

Welcome to the Docusign Community!


According to the documentation, it is possible to perform the itsme using our API and therefore our SDKs.

But first you must verify if you have access to QES in your account, for this it is important to follow the following steps that are in this documentation or check your AccountSignatureProviders via API.

If you don’t have QES enable please you have to: 
“contact Docusign Support. To enable it for your production account, contact Sales.”


You must first confirm the above, I am also checking if we should use the docusign_eu_qualified_idnow_tsp as value or is it different since this above is for idnow.


Eric | Docusign