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Time Stamp


The timestamp in now automatically coming up with the date stamp.  I have noticed that the time does not match my computer's time (the current time) and it does not seem to be the correct time when my clients' sign.   When I enter date and time manually (or allow my client to when they sign) the auto stamp is always wrong and does not match near the time the document was signed.   Putting the timetable of the signing off. 

Best answer by Community Expert

It sounds like you adjusted date options in Regional Settings. The options there control the format of the dates you see in your console (e.g. sent date, last changed date), not the format of the date signed tag. In your Settings Tab, on the Signing Settings page, you can adjust the format of the date signed tag.

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By how much is the timestamp off?  Is the signer in a different time zone?  The date signed tag tries to use the signer's time zone if available.


I am in Ontario (along with my signers)  and seems to be 3hrs behind which apparently is because docusign is based on the west coast.   Strange because my settings let me select and use my computer time setting and even shows the right time in the Docusign settings. 

Thanks for your reply...that's good to know too. 


It sounds like you adjusted date options in Regional Settings. The options there control the format of the dates you see in your console (e.g. sent date, last changed date), not the format of the date signed tag. In your Settings Tab, on the Signing Settings page, you can adjust the format of the date signed tag.