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Needs to View authority

  • April 24, 2024
  • 2 replies


Hi.  If an envelope has already been signed by all Signers, but one “Needs to View” recipient has not yet viewed, can that “Needs to View” recipient reject the folder and cause the signatures to fail?

How do you move past the Needs to View participant if they will not view the document?

Best answer by David.Schmitz

@sandi cooke Any Recipient included in the envelope workflow who has not taken an action will delay the completion of the envelope. This would include “Needs to View” Recipients as they must at a minimum open the envelope via the notification or within their DocuSign account.  

The Sender could “correct” the envelope and if allowed, remove that Recipient or even change the Recipient Type to “Receives a Copy” which requires no action on the Recipient part and executes immediately when it goes to that Signing Order step.

Overall one Recipient who has not taken action could cause the envelope to expire based on the Envelope Expiration setting and therefore void the envelope and all Signatures on that envelope document.

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  • Valued Contributor
  • 557 replies
  • Answer
  • April 24, 2024

@sandi cooke Any Recipient included in the envelope workflow who has not taken an action will delay the completion of the envelope. This would include “Needs to View” Recipients as they must at a minimum open the envelope via the notification or within their DocuSign account.  

The Sender could “correct” the envelope and if allowed, remove that Recipient or even change the Recipient Type to “Receives a Copy” which requires no action on the Recipient part and executes immediately when it goes to that Signing Order step.

Overall one Recipient who has not taken action could cause the envelope to expire based on the Envelope Expiration setting and therefore void the envelope and all Signatures on that envelope document.

  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • May 8, 2024

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