Hi Chris,
Welcome to the DocuSign Community!
We are glad to have you here and can't wait to help share as much knowledge as possible.
I am sorry to hear that your recipient’s signature was saved as a black block, I will help you get to the bottom of the issue.
This behavior is usually related to a problem when a recipient draws their signature.
Similar to your case, there also are scenarios in which some recipients have adopted a single dot as their signature.
To prevent any inconvenient with the way in which your recipients are adopting their signature, you might want to look into setting up a signature pixel requirement.
This can be set in Settings>Signing Settings> Signature Adoption Configuration>Minimum Pixel Size.
You can find more details on how to work with your account’s Signature Adoption Configuration, here:
Minimum Pixel Size
Configure Signature Adoption Options
Note: Some advanced features and options are supported only in certain DocuSign plans. Your account plan might not support some options discussed in this help topic.
For more information about which options are available for your account, contact your account administrator. Or, visit our Plans and Pricing web page for more details on the features included with your plan.
Compare eSignature plans & pricing
Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this.
Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator
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