Hi, I am new to docusign templates and webforms.
I have created a docusign loan application template and want to convert it to a webform so that I can obtain the following outcome ie
- A loan applicant applies online and is asked a series of questions to prequalifiy them or disqualifiy them from a loan. If they don’t qualify there is no point in continuing the loan applicaiton.
- How do I create using webforms a conditional If then statement or rule so that a clause or new document is generated and displayed to the user that says “ We are sorry but your loan application has not been approved” in the event that the user selects either a radio button and selects Yes/No or a checkbox in one or more fields?
- Is there a way to stop the loan applicant from continuing to complete further questions in the webform loan application once the loan has been denied? (I realise that it is not logical for someone to do so, but not all humans are logical)