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What is the difference between "Update Recipients" and "Specify Recipients" under the Add Recipients section in Templates?

What is the difference between "Update Recipients" and "Specify Recipients" under the Add Recipients section in Templates?

Best answer by Community Expert


So Specify is where the signer can update the missing person in the workflow.

With Update they need to have a DocuSign account and this will allow them to update within DocuSign the other people still to complete an action on the document regardless if they exist or not in the workflow.



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  • Docusign Employee
  • 1935 replies
  • Answer
  • December 7, 2020


So Specify is where the signer can update the missing person in the workflow.

With Update they need to have a DocuSign account and this will allow them to update within DocuSign the other people still to complete an action on the document regardless if they exist or not in the workflow.



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Thank you for your response. So, just for clarification. A signer with Specify Recipients set to their signature can add another signer without having to log into or have an account in DocuSign? Or is it that the Specify Recipients signature remains blank and anyone can add an additional signer?

Thanks again.



So you would typically use Specify if the process was to be external. If internal then I would use the Update Recipients.

I would recommend you get yourself a Sandbox account and do a few tests to ensure that your process would work on the Specify and Update recipients method.



I've been working in our sandbox and trying to get a handle on Specify Recipients but I can't get it to work as described in this;!!J30X0ZrnC1oQtbA!djOH41ggkDt9Fjnjg78AmiLYRD_6W2GTQSc8E9YHzUVwSgTYYq2Y_Xn4fSQ1rLmAdEjUWGI$" alt=";!!J30X0ZrnC1oQtbA!djOH41ggkDt9Fjnjg78AmiLYRD_6W2GTQSc8E9YHzUVwSgTYYq2Y_Xn4fSQ1rLmAdEjUWGI$" target="_blank">video . Every time I set things up and run a test I get a screen that states “Address Complete. All recipients have been assigned” when I should be getting a screen that allows the user/signer to enter the name and email address of the the other recipients.


Hi Can you send me a screenshot of your workflow so I can have a look at it and see what I can suggest. If you email and I will have a look tomorrow


Here are screenshots of the workflow and templateCapture2

(Screenshot removed due to personal information)


Just a thought when you use and send the template are you completing steps 3 and 4 ?

What I would expect is that you complete step 1 for the CFO and then Step 2 would be allowed to add anyone that is missing from step 3 and 4 if they are left blank.


Your assumptions are correct. I'm trying to get the CFO (Step1) to sign and then the users/signer specified in Step 2 would then enter either the name and email addresses for the Director and/or Deputy Director (Steps 3 and 4). But when after Signer 1 (CFO) signs, signer 2 (Examiner) gets an email asking him to review the document (Fig. #1). When signer 2 opens the document a message displays states "Addressing Complete. All Recipients have been assigned" (Fig. #2). I was expecting that I signer 2 should be given a box that allows him to enter the name and email address of Signers 3 and 4.

Fig. #1



(screenshots removed due to personal information)



So just done a quick test and got the following to work as I think you expect it to.

So I have Signer 1 name and email entered when sending.

Person 2 is Specify and the name and email are entered

Signer 2 and 3 are blank when sending.

Signer 1 got email and signed

Person 2 got email to review and when they open the envelope prompted to enter and note for Signer 2 and 3

Screenshot 2020-12-08 at 14.39.21


I'm wondering if the problem I am experiencing is because I'm trying to use a Power Form. I created a new template and designed it the way I had previously and the way you describe. If I send the envelope directly to the Signer1, everything works as expected.

Maybe there is a better way to achieve my goal. I have a document that we want to use as a Power Form because we don't know who Signer 1 will be. After signer 1 signs, we need someone to review the document and determine if the director or deputy director need to sign the document.
