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Edit Verbiage on DS generated notification email regarding access code


Currently the failed notification email that gets sent out to the receiver when the access code has been entered invalid more than 3 times has verbiage on the bottom that is generated by DocuSign and includes an "envelope ID" number that the member can use to enter into a DocuSign account (if the member is already signed up for one". Along with this email notification, we have included our orgs own verbiage stating the requirements of the access code however our members are thinking that the "envelope ID" number shown on the bottom of the email is the access code. Is there a way that the verbiage can be modified?

Best answer by Community Expert

Yes.  If you have branding and resource files for your account, you can modify the content of most emails by editing the email resource file.  In this file, search for some text that appears in the email (the more specific, the better) to locate the right email resource to edit.

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Yes.  If you have branding and resource files for your account, you can modify the content of most emails by editing the email resource file.  In this file, search for some text that appears in the email (the more specific, the better) to locate the right email resource to edit.


Great! thank you very much! are you able to confirm that this option will also work in DocuSign for Salesforce? Or is it changed in DocuSign outside of SF and updated globally? In addition, where would I find where to edit the failed access code notification that the recipient receives on their device advising them to contact the sender to have the envelope resent? Currently the message that is displayed shows the representatives full name, address and direct line. Our goal is to modify the message to display our Contact Center general phone number instead. Thank you again!


I don't use Salesforce much, so I'm not sure about that part.

Try out these strings in the email resource file:

<data name="EnvelopeActivationFailed_HtmlBody">

<data name="EnvelopeActivationFailed_PlainTextBody">