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I receive Request failed with status code 400 error while uploading a template

I receive Request failed with status code 400 error while uploading a template

Best answer by Community Expert

They were and the Enable logging was the first step, but I had to use the support center so they could fix the issue on their end.

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I received this too, what does this mean?


Did anyone find an answer? I just received this as well.



I did! Go into My Preferences > Privacy & Security > Request Logging > Enable Logging. Then try to upload the template again. When it fails, go back to Request Logging and click the Download button. You would be able to download the error logs.

In the, find the .txt that says "BadRequest_SaveTemplates". Scroll to the bottom of that log file and at the bottom you would see the error message. If it is the same as mine...

{"errorCode":"INVALID_USER_OFFSET","message":"The specified User Offset exceeds the page boundaries. The specified User Offset exceeds the page boundaries. XOffset \\" -148 \\" is invalid. Tab Label: DMCOE-Signature."}

... that error message means one of the signature fields is somehow exceeding page boundaries so you would just have to move the fields a little bit away from the edge of the document, then try to upload it again. If it works, then just re-adjust the fields to the right position.

I hope this helps!


Awesome thank you! I didn't have the logging enabled, and when I did enable it the same message popped up, but I received a different error code in my log. I received one that states "notfoundgetuserprofile." I am not sure what that means, but at least I got one step closer in solving the problem. Thank you!  


Was anyone able to fix the issue?


They were and the Enable logging was the first step, but I had to use the support center so they could fix the issue on their end.


Thanks Looks like we need to do the same on our side too then.


W​e are getting this error as well.  Our error code is {"errorCode":"WORKFLOW_ROUTING_STEP_INVALID_ITEMID","message":"ItemId is not valid. ItemId must be a valid non-activated routing order."}.  Sounds like I need to open a case too.  Thanks for posting how to get the error logs, @Diana Sumera​!


Having trouble accessing the error logs. Can anyone help on this?


Did you try the above that Diane suggested for logging? It worked for me. Her instructions are below:

Go into My Preferences > Privacy & Security > Request Logging > Enable Logging. Then try to upload the template again. When it fails, go back to Request Logging and click the Download button. You would be able to download the error logs.


​ yes I enabled the logging but I am unable to find where to view the logs. Any idea on where I can go for that?



After enabling the logging, did you try uploading the template again?



Yes I tried uploading the template again and got the same error. I just don't know who to view the log file? Not sure where it's saved.
