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form initials of first and last name


Good morning,

I would like to configure the “initials” field so that users who must initial their contract (HR) do so in “letter” mode and by handwriting because it is not readable.

example: Mr Philippe ABBE must initial each page, instead of having the initials handwritten I would like to see “PB” appear in full in the “initials” field

Thank you for your help

Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Hello @Eva MARQUOT 

So the user can edit there initials while signing the agreement. It allow user to edit unless the Read Only option is selected.

1. Click on initial and “change”

  1.  once you click change it gives you option to edit the signature and initial



On my initials, these are only the first letters, not handwritten but in "script" writing so that it is readable, and instead of my initials being my last name, they are the first letter of my first and last name. JS"
for my clients I would like to define the same option by default

Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

As far as I understand your ask. if any user once set the initials they and change or leverage the same but when is comes to set default, I do not think, it is under the feature limit coz it is an document Standard field.



Good morning,
If I understood correctly, it is up to my clients to configure the type of initials on the documents when they sign?

Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

That’s totally Correct coz that’s something which is signers details which is gonna filled by that signer. the one thing you can do is that, Put the “Tooltip” in the “Initial” field so that user will see the msg for entering the initials.




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