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Conditional logic for radio buttons


How can I set a conditional logic when a selection could apply to more than one radio button? For example, i am giving the client the option to choose full pay, 2 pay, 4 pay or monthly. if they choose 2, 4 or monthly, they have the option to choose auto pay or not. 


4 replies

  • Valued Contributor
  • 557 replies
  • May 30, 2024

@msantucci You will need to stack fields. As you may have noticed if you setup conditionality on a field so that if they select 2 they can then select Auto, but you cannot then set another condition so that if 4 is selected it selects the same Auto option.  If you create two or more radio button groups for the Auto pay option you can then set conditionality on “2” to select the first set, then 4 to select the next set of buttons and so on then you take those auto pay radio buttons and you stack them on top of each other. Let me know if you need additional info.

  • Author
  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • May 30, 2024

Okay thanks, how do you create a group? Or can you point me in the right direction for instructions? Is it more than what I have here, choosing radio, adding one then adding another in the “series” (for lack of better word).


  • Valued Contributor
  • 557 replies
  • May 30, 2024

@msantucci I will attempt to explain I do not think there is an article to review this situation.  First a Radio Button Group in where there are multiple radio buttons in one radio button group.  So when you take a radio button from the eft and drop it on the document you get two radio buttons in one radio button group and you can add more buttons to the group by selecting the “+” sign on that group.  These buttons are connected to the group and because they are radio buttons only one radio button can be selected in the Group.  In the image each set of radio buttons surrounded by a red box is in the same radio buttons group making 6 Radio Button Groups. The main radio button group would be your vertical choice of payment types (full,2 ,4, 10, 12) which has the 5 radio buttons in that Group,  then the auto pay is another radio button group with two radio buttons.  In my image I have 5 radio button groups with each group having two radio buttons and therefore I set each main radio button to be conditional and expose a different set of radio button groups based on the choice made on the main radio button group. Once conditional statements are all set I stack the 5 radio button groups on top of each other to make it seem like one group but this is seamless to the Recipient. Based on the choice they make on the main radio button group exposes the appropriate auto pay radio button group. (if applicable or not). In your situation you may need only the auto pay radio button groups based on choice 2, 4, 10  and not full or 12 which means you need 3 autopay radio button groups with two radio buttons each.


  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • June 14, 2024

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