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Read-only field Multiple recipients

  • New Voice
  • 2 replies

Hi - 

Using bulk send out 500+ envelopes. The envelope will contain a 3 page document and requires  3 signatures. Think 2 parents and a student.

At the top of each page I want the name of the student to appear for each recipient of the envelope. 

The only way I can figure this out is to “stack” three text fields on top of each other (one for each recipient) and have each populate through the bulk send .csv file. This seems clunky.

Any advice or info would be appreciated


Best answer by David.Schmitz

@DanB The field assignment is key, the field needs to be assigned to the Student, not the parent in the appropriate Recipient color. Since it is a pre-populated field it shows as the Student Name. I also recommend, although I am not sure it is needed. to enable the Admin setting called “When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients”, which is under Sending Settings.  This writes the field value no matter the position of the Recipient in the Signing Order.

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  • Valued Contributor
  • 557 replies
  • May 28, 2024

@DanB You could just use the “Name” DocuSign field for the Student Recipient.  This automatically populates the Name of that specified Recipient wherever you drop the tag based on the information that is present in that Recipient field based on the Bulk Send.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 2 replies
  • May 28, 2024

My understanding/experience is that if I do that, then when a parent goes to sign, they will see their own name in that field - not the Student name

  • Valued Contributor
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  • Answer
  • May 28, 2024

@DanB The field assignment is key, the field needs to be assigned to the Student, not the parent in the appropriate Recipient color. Since it is a pre-populated field it shows as the Student Name. I also recommend, although I am not sure it is needed. to enable the Admin setting called “When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients”, which is under Sending Settings.  This writes the field value no matter the position of the Recipient in the Signing Order.

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  • Valued Contributor
  • 959 replies
  • May 28, 2024

@DanB - As @David.Schmitz indicated, the Name Standard field that can be displayed as 

will show to the other recipients, in your case both parents, during the signing ceremony.   You can pre-populate the student's name and, in your template, use it repeatedly at the top of each page on your document.    Please note, that when you use the Preview feature, the name does not show.   You can send a small test envelope so you can see what it will look like.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 2 replies
  • May 28, 2024
  • When I just changed the Field assignment to Student (no setting change) it did not populate for the parent.
  • When I set the field assignment to the Student AND changed the Sending setting it populated for the Parent.

Thank you both for your help and direction!
