The scenario is this:
Assume 3 roles - 3 signers. Signer 1 completes a form and signs it. The form flows to signer 2 for review and signature. Signer 2 notices that signer 1 made an error and is unwilling to sign until signer 1 corrects the error. I would like signer 2 to be able to return the form back to signer 1 for correction. After correction, the form would flow back to signer 2 for review and signature. Signer 2 signs and the form flows to signer 3 who validates the form looks accurate and applies their initials to confirm (but Signer 3 would also need to be able to return the form to Signers 1 or 2 for correction if needed). Is this possible and if so, how? Thank you!!