I have a handful of documents I have sent have not been signed by the recipients yet. I have always found them under “Waiting for Others” but this morning had disappeared. After some searching, I found them under “Action Required.” The default prompt is now “Sign” rather than “Resend” but I am the 3rd signer and unable to do anything even when I click sign (nor do I want to sign before others). This happened even for a document I just created and sent - it immediately went to the “Action Required” section, even though it is definitely waiting for others. What is going on and how do I correct this? I have already cleared my cache and cookies.
Waiting for Others documents moved

Best answer by MWC
There was a bug with the routing and waiting for others link in my Inbox view this morning.
I hadn’t checked the Waiting for Others quick view folder at the time, though I’m assuming I would have received the same error.
The bug that affected me has now been fixed and maybe it resolved your issue as well. Here’s hoping!!
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