I have completed all the signatures on a document that I was sent. The message says, “Done! Select Finish to send the completed document. When I select the blue Finish button, a pop up comes up with this message: Your document isn’t complete yet. By selecting AGREE AND FINISH, you agree to use Electronic Records and Signatures. Your document will be completed afterwards. I select the blue AGREE AND FINISH blue button in the pop-up, but nothing happens. I continues to come back to the pop-up, and the document is never sent. The company has tried many times to review and cannot find anything wrong. I switched browsers to Google Chrome and cleared the history, cache, and cookies. Still same problem. I tried logging in to Docusign.com, clicked on the “Access Documents” link, and used the security code that was emailed to me. I went through the signing process again and still ended with the same Agree and Finish pop-up that never submits the document. Please help!
Agree and Finish doesn't work

Best answer by JohnSantos
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