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Formula Error


Getting an error within a template that reads as:

The Tab formula is not valid. A number numerical tab LocalePolicy does not match the LocalePolicy of another number numerical tab in the same formula.

I am having trouble pinpointing which formula field is causing the issue - is there anywhere I can see more detail regarding the error or even where to resolve it? 

I’ve double checked and triple checked all formulas, and when I make edits, I’m allowed to save and close the template. 


Any and all insight would be greatly appreciated!

Best answer by Christopher.Alpizar

Hello @Emilymc,


Thank you for reaching back,  thank you for providing the Template ID, however, I  would need a copy of the template to determine which field has the error, the data at the backend shows that all of the fields have the same LocalePolicy, would it be possible for you to provide a copy of the template?


You can download templates from your account, either one at a time or in bulk. When downloading a single template, it will be exported in JSON format. If you download multiple templates, they will be delivered in a .ZIP file containing JSON files. Download templates



Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hello @anmol.sharma,


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.


I apologize for the inconvenience that this might cause you, I know the importance of having the envelopes that you sent sorted and filtered as needed; I understand that you have a user that you want to filter the envelopes using a custom field.


The error means that there is a formula tab with a formula that references two numerical tabs with Number validation whose locale policies don’t match, however, a manual review will be needed.


If this is a template would it be possible for you to provide a copy of the template?


To download a document from a template, navigate to the TEMPLATES page. Locate the desired template and click on its title to open the Template Details view. In the documents panel, click on the document thumbnail image to initiate the download. Use the browser controls to download or print the document PDF if it opens in a browser window. To download a document from a template


Or at least a template with a blank document with the formulas that you used.


If this is an envelope created from scratch, please try the below troubleshooting:


  • Clear cache/cookies
  • Try a different browser(s)
  • Try an Incognito window
  • Try a different device
  • Try a different Internet network, such as on a mobile device using data with Wi-Fi disabled.
  • Try using VPN, or if on one already, disconnect from VPN and try again
  • Please try the Alternative Signing Method


Note: Some advanced features and options are supported only in specific DocuSign plans. Your account plan might not support some options discussed in this help topic. Contact your account administrator for more information about which options are available for your account. Or, visit our Plans and Pricing web page for more details on the features included with your plan. Compare eSignature plans & pricing.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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  • February 13, 2024

Hello @christopher.alpizar ,

I appreciate you reaching out and responding to my question. 

The error is occuring upon sending and/or trying to send the template to a user, and all of the value fields being referenced in the Formula have the same validtion, font, font size, and formatting to showcase them as numbers as opposed to differences between currency and numbers. 

I have reached out in a private message but also attached the template for your review here as upon attempting the troubleshooting tips, the issue still does not appear to be resolved. 

Any and all insight you be able to share would be greatly appreciated - Thank you!!


Hello @anmol.sharma,


Thank you for reaching back, the system is not allowing me to download the file, would it possible to sent it again in a DM?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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  • February 13, 2024

Hi @christopher.alpizar, I private messaged you earlier as I am unable to attach files through messages - if you could respond at your earliest convenience that would be greatly appreciated 


Hello @anmol.sharma,


I found that it was the formula of the second part value that was prompting the error message, my question is are all the total values for all of the six parts meant to have a formula field? or just the first two?, am currently working to try to find what is wrong with the actual formula for the second part.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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  • February 13, 2024

Hi @christopher.alpizar ,

All of them are meant to have a formula field, I was trouble shooting independently and deleted all original formulas, and started building out the formulas from scratch again once the error began to pop up

It was working fine last week, and I’m not sure what changed over the weekend to prompt the error


Hello @anmol.sharma,


Would it be possible for you to provide an envelope ID for one of the envelopes that was successfully sent using this template?


As a recipient/signer, there are several ways to find the Envelope ID. One way is to open the email notification and right-click on the "REVIEW DOCUMENT" button, then select "Copy Link Address" and provide the link to the support expert. Another option is to locate the Access Documents security code in the footer of the email notification and provide it to the support expert. If you are unable to access the email notification or the signing/viewing session, you can try to locate the Envelope ID in the upper left-hand corner of each document if you have previously downloaded them. If none of these methods work, it is recommended to reach out to the sender of the envelope.


How do I find an Envelope ID as a recipient/signer?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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  • February 13, 2024

@christopher.alpizar here is a envelope ID that was successful in generating the envelope using the template



Hello @anmol.sharma,


If you Save as Template, the envelope that was successfully sent and try to edit and use that template, do you get the same error?


Save as Template allows you to quickly create a template from a previously prepared envelope. The template includes all envelope data, recipient properties, message information, advanced options, documents, fields, and field properties. To save an envelope as a template, locate the envelope on the Manage page, click the action menu, select Save as Template, make any desired edits, and save and close the template.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.


Hi @anmol.sharma,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested or if the information that was provided was useful.


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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  • February 29, 2024

I am having a same issue with an envelope that has formula.  Powerform works with no issue but when sending the envelope to specific address, I get the below error message.   Did this get resolve? 



Hello @KCMO Ret,


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.


If you Save as Template, the envelope that was successfully created using the Powerform and try to use that template, do you get the same error?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.


Hi @KCMO Ret,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested or if the information that was provided was useful.


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.




I am also getting the LocalePolicy error message, as shown by an earlier user, both using a value box and a text box with number validation. I am trying to create a bracketed formula, but this is not working. Any help would be appreciated.


Hello @Lucas van Dijk,


Thank you for reaching out here, we want to welcome you to the DocuSign Community, I appreciate you bringing your question to this Community.


I apologize for the inconvenience that this might cause you, I understand that you have a user that you are getting the LocalePolicy error message.


If this is a template would it be possible for you to provide a copy of the template?


To download a document from a template, navigate to the TEMPLATES page. Locate the desired template and click on its title to open the Template Details view. In the documents panel, click on the document thumbnail image to initiate the download. Use the browser controls to download or print the document PDF if it opens in a browser window. To download a document from a template


Or at least a template with a blank document with the formulas that you used.


Can you also provide the Envelope ID and the template ID?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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  • May 17, 2024


I’m having this issue as well. I’ve reviewed all my formulas and it seems to be correct. 

Here’s my template ID - 45c9cf0c-e8cc-459a-8956-6af2e5648353 and account number - #120026524.


Appreciate your help! 


Hello @Emilymc,


Thank you for reaching out here, we want to welcome you to the Docusign Community, I appreciate you bringing your question to this Community.


I apologize for the inconvenience that this might cause you, I understand that you have a user that you are getting same LocalePolicy error message.


Have you tried the the troubleshooting steps provide in this post?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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  • May 20, 2024

Hi @Christopher.Alpizar,

Yes, I did follow the troubleshooting steps listed above, but I still got “The Tab formula is not valid. A number numerical tab LocalePolicy does not match the LocalePolicy of another number numerical tab in the same formula.” when I tried to sending out the templates. 


Hello @Emilymc,


Thank you for reaching back, would it be possible for you to provide a copy of the template?


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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  • May 21, 2024

HI @Christopher.Alpizar,


Here’s my template ID - 45c9cf0c-e8cc-459a-8956-6af2e5648353 and account number - #120026524. I kept getting error messageThe Tab formula is not valid. A number numerical tab LocalePolicy does not match the LocalePolicy of another number numerical tab in the same formula. when I tried using the template. Thank you! 


Hello @Emilymc,


Thank you for reaching back,  thank you for providing the Template ID, however, I  would need a copy of the template to determine which field has the error, the data at the backend shows that all of the fields have the same LocalePolicy, would it be possible for you to provide a copy of the template?


You can download templates from your account, either one at a time or in bulk. When downloading a single template, it will be exported in JSON format. If you download multiple templates, they will be delivered in a .ZIP file containing JSON files. Download templates



Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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  • May 22, 2024

Hi @Christopher.Alpizar


Sure, I have attached the template that has problem. Thank you! 


Hello @Emilymc,


Thank you for reaching back and for providing the copy of the template, I am currently reviewing the information about your post to provide a proper resolution, as soon as I get the information verified I will update this post.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.


I’m having the same issue with a Webform.  This form was created from a copy of another webform and all formulas and calculation are identical in each.  One form still works without error; however, the other produces and error message: “The Tab formula is not valid. A number numerical tab LocalePolicy does not match the LocalePolicy of another number numerical tab in the same formula. Please check with your sender”. 

This is a major issue as this webform is live and was working correctly. I’ve submitted a ticket already looking for answers anywhere.

The only changed I noticed over the past few days is the production account changed formatting to resemble the demo environment.

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  • June 11, 2024

Hi @Christopher.Alpizar!

I am currently having the same error with three of my templates. I’m assuming it’s likely the same issue across all three templates so if you could help me troubleshoot one of them, I will likely have the solve for all three!

I’m attaching the template below.

Thanks in advance!!