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How to prove forged and scanned Docusign documents

  • August 25, 2024
  • 8 replies




I recently received scanned copies of DocuSign documents that I neither received any prior information about via email nor signed. The documents display an Envelope ID at the top and Certificate ID at the signature, but there are no timestamps or email addresses of any parties on the signed page. When I logged into DocuSign to retrieve information using the Envelope ID, I received an error message stating that the information could not be provided. The sender claims they only have a scanned copy and lost everything and cannot provide a certificate of completion.

How can I prove this document is forged in a court of law?


Envelop id :   



8 replies

Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Hey @VK15 

The one proof point is COC certificate of completion which you should ask them to provide. Which will detail how and when it was signed alongside with additional details. If you signed it from your DocuSign account a copy of the document would be saved in it. Without a DocuSign account you should have received email notifications.

You can also validate the actual document in any PDF reader, e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader to verify that this actually as a DocuSign transaction and it has not been tampered with by checking the platform seal.


  • Newcomer
  • 5 replies
  • August 26, 2024

You can also validate the actual document in any PDF reader, e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader to verify that this actually as a DocuSign transaction and it has not been tampered with by checking the platform seal.


Pawan, I just tried to verify signatures but couldn’t figure out how.  I’d like to verify visible signatures, but it’s greyed out.




  • Newcomer
  • 5 replies
  • August 26, 2024

I just posted a reply, but don’t see it.???

Trying again without screenshot.

Pawan, “You can also validate the actual document in any PDF reader, e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader to verify that this actually as a DocuSign transaction and it has not been tampered with by checking the platform seal.”

I clicked on “Use a certificate” in Reader and then validating etc. was greyed out. 

Any suggestions?


Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Sharing one document which has step to step guide and also a link for more info.

Signature Validation

  • Newcomer
  • 5 replies
  • August 27, 2024

Thanks, Pawan, I have NO idea why nothing works for me.   My document doesn’t even have any red box and I already got at least 20 hours of research into this, read countless articles and just finally found this place here today.

I’m 66 years old, designed my own websites, html, css, C, Basic, ….

Now I’m just the village idiot. 

I can only recommend to others to never EVER sign anything electronically as there is ZERO support from DocuSign and corporate fraud is rampant.  Companies just make up documents such as addenda, legally required disclosures, etc. with impunity. :(

Have no idea why this is legal.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, so much frustration, have no idea why I can’t simply upload a doc to determine authenticity.  But then again, as I’m constantly asked to subscribe to whatever “plan” and can’t even figure out how to see docs I signed only two years ago … follow the money!


Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Hey @ChristineAZ, I am really sorry for your inconvenience. Do you have DocuSign Account? if yes then you can raise the Support ticket. and then DocuSign Support will help you out. 

  • Newcomer
  • 5 replies
  • August 27, 2024

@Pawan Gangwani Thanks, I do have an account, and will try again to get some support.

Just don’t understand why Docusign actively covers up fraud by huge companies, why I have to have an account, why it says I have 30 days left, why I can’t figure out how to contact support.

Does the FBI have to have an account to get some answers?

There ought to be a RICO prosecution against all involved in this fraud. 

Docusign is deliberately NOT including its name in responses from security and I accidentally deleted the email from “Security Account” as that’s the exact name many scammers use.

It seems impossible to get anything but automated CRAP to make me waste my time until I give up. 

While Docusign reaps the profits.


Thank you for contacting Docusign Security. Please work with a Docusign representative to submit a formal customer support case. The appropriate team at Docusign will receive and respond to your request. 

  1. How do I contact Docusign Customer Support?

  2. How do I open a case in the Docusign Support Center?

Meanwhile, please review the Docusign Trust Center. This is your source for the latest security, compliance, legal, privacy, and system performance information.
Docusign Security


On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 10:47 AM Christine B <*********> wrote:



Docusign Security:


What does your response have to do with determining where and how the attached likely forged document was signed?


Is it possible to get a response from a HUMAN capable of understanding the issue?




Christine B



Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 12:28:32 AM, you wrote:




Thank you for contacting Docusign Security. To report fraudulent activity on an envelope you received, please use the “Report this email” link found at the bottom of the email notification you received (see the screenshot below). If you don’t have access to the email notification, you can file a report directly through Docusign i-Sight portal ( Docusign takes allegations of fraud seriously, investigates as necessary and takes appropriate actions on accounts violating the DS Terms & Conditions - Restriction on use of the site.


For more information please review the Docusign Trust Center. This is your source for the latest security, compliance, legal, privacy, and system performance information.



Docusign Security
On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 6:02 PM Christine B<**********> wrote:


Many consumers claim they did NOT sign allegedly e-signed contracts.

How does one authenticate signatures?

Attached is my client's alleged Amendment that appears forged, with my client's signature twice (in husband's field), and with identical IDs under each purported signature, as if it was copied.

Which email was this Addendum sent to and how was it signed? IP?

What were the procedures in 2014 when this document was supposedly signed?  Would there have been an acknowledgement after signing?

We greatly appreciate your prompt assistance,

Christine B


  • Community Moderator
  • 2070 replies
  • September 11, 2024

Hi @ChristineAZ,


Thank you for making us aware of this situation.

Due to privacy and security regulations Docusign Support is unable to access the documents or Certificate of Completion in an envelope. Taking this into consideration, the sender will be the only available source to gain access to the Certificate of Completion, if you are missing the original envelope access link.

Because of this reason, the best course of action will be having the party interested in holding you accountable to this agreement attempt to process their complaint through a court, in this way you can force them to provide the Certificate of Completion as part of the documentation needed to verify that you actually signed this document.

In most legal contexts, or high value transactions it will be required to have an extra recipient verification method to actually validate the signer’s identity, such as Phone Authentication, Id Verification,  or the use of a Digital Signature that will have your identity validated by a Trusted Signature Provider. More information on this topic can be found, here:

What is the difference between a Digital Signature and an Electronic Signature | Docusign

Are Electronic Signatures Safe?

Also, don’t hesitate in opening a new support case at any time  by filling out the form provided below and one of our Support Experts will help you with your issue as soon as possible: 

If you are not able to open the case on the same page, you should scroll down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form or calling Support. Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 


Best regards,

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  

Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!

