I need the following to be arranged but doubt how to set up the recipients
- HR Department must submit a form that needs to be send out to a Deparment Head for signing by that Department Head
- At above stage HR Department does not sign the form. They only submit the form after they filled in some important fields on the form (e.g. Country, Location, Salary)
- Since the name of the Department Head can be different HR must be able to fill in the Name and email address of the Department Head prior to sending the form
- Once the Department Head signed the form it will return to HR
- HR will put their final signature on the form
My initial idea was to create a template with following details:
- HR with “Needs to Sign” but they don’t have to Sign. They only have to fill in Custom Fields and then press the Send
- For Department Head I added this recipient without Name and Email address to that HR can fill this in prior to sending at stage 1
- I added HR again (3rd recipient) with requirement to sign
The problem is that in my setup HR is always asked when Sending the form “Would you like to sign now or later”. What status should I give HR as first Recipient to allow them to edit the form and fill in the details without a need to sign?