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Disable Download and Disable Print option

  • January 31, 2025
  • 8 replies



I am a DocuSign admin, and I want to have ability to restrict document from being downloaded or printed by the recipient. 

We have Business Pro licence, please advise how I can achieve this



8 replies

Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Hello ​@Madiha Ghous 

Welcome to the DocuSign Community!

One solution to restrict the document from being downloaded or printed by the recipient that have the “Need to view” access. apart from that,
I am also sharing one community post where the same question answered by the community member.

here: Disable Print & Download | Community

Thanks, Hope this helps.

Docusign Employee
  • Docusign Employee
  • 929 replies
  • January 31, 2025

@Madiha Ghous 

Ultimately, you cannot prevent that a user is downloading or printing a document from eSignature, when they are part of the recipient workflow. As stated in the linked article above you can remove the buttons from the user interface by changing the Singing Resource file. However, if the recipient does have a Docusign account they will be able to log into their account and then download and print a document.

What is the reason that you do not want recipients to download and print the documents? Everybody signing a document hast the right to obtain a copy. For electronic signatures downloading the document is the option that makes most sense, as when you print the document you cannot verify it’s validity anymore. Therefore, accessing, downloading and storing the PDF version is the correct way to save electronically signed documents.

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  • January 31, 2025

Thank you both for reply and guidance.

  • Community Moderator
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  • February 14, 2025

Hello ​@Madiha Ghous ,

If you found the provided response to be a useful solution to your question, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

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  • March 14, 2025

Hi ​@Madiha Ghous ​@Michael.Rave 

I’m looking to accomplish something similar to what’s described above, so this seems like the right place to post.  When opening up a document in the DS file cabinet, on the top right corner I’m looking to disable everything under the Send button, as well as disable ‘Download as PDF’, and potentially even disable the Checkout option.  And to complicate things further, I was hoping to do this for a subset of users.  I was hoping I’d be able to accomplish this through a custom Permission Profile, but the more I read, the less likely it seems.

Am I correct that the only way to accomplish this is by editing the Signing Resource File?  And even then, would I be able to limit the change to specific users, or would an update to the Signing Resource File be an account-wide thing?  And is there an additional cost to have DS make the Signing Resource File available to us?  Thanks in advance!

Docusign Employee
  • Docusign Employee
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  • March 14, 2025


Yes, the Signing Resource File is always for the entire account and you cannot limit it to specific users. They are part of branding and included in most Docusign plans. A custom permission profile is for internal users only and not applicable to the signing ceremony. The easiest thing is to check in the Admins section, if they are available for you and then download then and go through all options available.

I am not sure, if we are talking about the same view, as you mention “DS file cabinet” and mention “Send” and “Checkout” option. These are not available to the recipient when signing the document.

Below are screenshots of what the recipient will see as options, when signing a document. This will be different, e.g. “Assign to Someone Else” may not appear due to different account configuration or the usage of features that do not allow a signer reassignment.


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  • March 14, 2025

Thank you very much ​@Michael.Rave.  I think we use DocuSign differently than others in that we do not send out documents externally (at least not at this time).  So everyone that touches a document is a DocuSign user with a login.

These are the settings we are looking to hide for a subset of our users:

Thanks in advance for any advice you can share

Docusign Employee
  • Docusign Employee
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  • March 14, 2025


That user interface looks like Docusign CLM and not the Docusign eSignature interface the topic was about.  The signing resource file is only for Docusign eSignature and applies to all recipients.

Within CLM there is the ability to create different permission profiles for your CLM users and also edit the user navigation through configuration in the CLM Admin leveraging personas.

This Docusign Support article should give you some guidance and how to set this up.