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Master Envelope Actions: Correct, Void, or Delete with Confidence

  • September 9, 2024
  • 0 replies

Docusign Employee

Do you understand the differences between correcting, voiding, and deleting an envelope and when it makes sense to take one action over the other? Did you know these options even existed? Don’t worry; we’re here to help.

Here are the basics of each envelope action: what it does, who performs it, and a few examples of why you might correct, void, or delete an envelope. 



✅ Correct


Correcting an envelope is a great feature to use if you send an envelope and notice there are any errors. 

  • An envelope correction is performed only by the envelope’s sender/owner. Recipients cannot correct an envelope. 
  • Correcting an envelope is allowed at any time as long as it is still in progress or not yet in the “completed” or “voided” statuses. 
  • There are many envelope details you are allowed to correct:
    • Recipient data, such as the name, email, routing order, and authentication.
    • Add, delete, or edit fields on the document.
    • Depending on your account settings, you can replace the document in the envelope and add more documents. 

Why correct an envelope?

  • There’s an error in the recipient's email address.
  • A filed is missing from the document and needs to be added.


🚫 Void 


Voiding an envelope cancels all activities on the envelope and moves the envelope into a “voided” status. Corrections are no longer allowed. 

  • An envelope void is performed only by the envelope’s sender/owner. The only way your recipient technically voids an envelope is by clicking “Decline to Sign” once they open the agreement. 
  • Voiding an envelope is allowed at any time as long as it is still in progress or not yet in the “completed” status. 
  • Voiding is permanent. There is no “un-voiding.” 

Why void an envelope?  

  • An envelope was sent to the wrong recipient and there wasn’t time to correct it before it was viewed and signed. 


❌ Delete


Deleting an envelope stops all activities on the envelope and puts it in your “Deleted” bin. After 24 hours, the deleted envelope is removed from direct access. 

  • Envelopes in any status are deletable, including in progress envelopes. Deleting an envelope in progress initiates the voided envelope process. 
  • You may restore deleted envelopes from the “Deleted” bin within 24 hours. Restoring voided envelopes will not un-void them. 

Why delete an envelope? 

  • The envelope is a draft, and the draft needed to be discarded.
  • Some account owners don’t want completed envelopes and data to be readily accessible in the account. 


🧰 Additional Resources


For more information on these envelope actions, such as details on what your recipient experiences and how to manage your envelopes, check out the following resources:


🤝 Share Your Experience


Help other Community members by sharing examples of when you choose to correct, void, or delete envelopes.

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