We have a PowerAutomate flow configured to create an envelope and add custom tabs. We then have another flow triggered when the envelopes are completed to pick up the returned data to push back into dataverse. When using the action ‘get document tabs from envelope’ the tabs that are checkboxes do not return a value. See example:
"tabLabel": "students",
"documentId": "25619119",
"recipientId": "***Redacted content***",
"tabId": "db28e284-ed4c-47aa-b4de-658ee058f059",
"tabType": "checkboxTabs",
"prefill": false
Whereas other tab types such as dropdown does return the value:
"tabLabel": "relationship2",
"value": "GP",
"documentId": "25619119",
"recipientId": "***Redacted content***",
"tabId": "383072b6-6ef4-4afd-b379-a80c2bbf8849",
"tabType": "listTabs",
"prefill": false
How do I get the submitted value for checkboxes?
Hoping someone can help - first time configuring a flow to retrieve the data.